Financial Strength

So far NEPC has implemented project of total value Rs. 60 million and gained ample experiences on fund raising and management of fund. Total turnover of last five years is Nrs. 30 million.
a) Institute of Local Governance Studies (Inlogos)- functional working relation, bid project jointly, training and management support
b) Communication Development Concerns Group- partnership
c) Institute of Development Studies (IDS)- collaboration in development projects
d) Janachetana, Dharmapur, Rautahat
e) Gaun Jagaran Sanstha, Sindhuli
f) Himalayan Community Resource Development Center, Kalikot
g) Jana Kalyan Rural Development and Research center (JKRDRC), Mugu
Note: Expertise from these institutions can be taken by NEPC as and when required
1. Standard policies, procedures and practices to assure quality interaction with clients and outputs.
It is our policy to operate the projects by the highly competent and qualified professionals. NEPC delegates authority to the project team led by the team leader/coordinator to deal with technical issues and management aspect to be handled by the NEPC Foundation management. The NEPC Executive Director, Chairperson and the Executive Committee regularly follow-up, monitor, supervise and review on the project performance focusing on its intended outputs and the quality measures. It provided services to prepare Social Mobilization Operational Manual for LGCDP prepared by NEPC is milestone to make acquainted NEPC in all 75 DDCs and 3915 VDCs. All other projects completed were highly recognized by the clients.
2. Mechanism to handle complaints concerning the performance of experts or quality of the reports submitted and internal controls
The Fiscal and Administrative by law of NEPC will effect to address the matters related to personnel management and project operation system. The bylaw comprises the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Staff Operating Manual (SOM) will guide on the key management issues. Further, the NEPC Director, Chairperson and the Executive Committee will look after the issues and mechanisms of project functions. The PMU to be established will meets at least once in a month with the professionals of the project and settle any dispute or misunderstanding within staff, professional or between professional/staffs and the management (executive committee if necessary).
3. Quality assurance on the performance
The Team Leader/project coordinator will be made responsible and accountable on the outputs to be delivered. The Team Leader will present the progress, issues and challenges of project implementation in a monthly basis. The experts will have clear job description and daily work calendar linked with the project outputs. The activity plan will be shared to PMU and the client. Team Leader will present the progress made during the reporting period and collect feedbacks/ suggestions for further improvements. Despite, the Team Leader and client will communicate with client with cc to management.
4. Standard policies, procedures and practices that NEPC in regards to human resource
We have SOP and SOM in place. It is our policy to make professionals involve in every steps of project cycle. They will be made clear on the remuneration and benefits with task assigned and working hours in the office. Once they agreed on the terms and conditions, contract will be made and duly signed by either side. NEPC professionals have showed their full commitment in the projects implemented in the past and is expected same for the proposed project. NEPC work in close coordination with the professionals and the project team that will support creating enabling environment to function the professionals and the staff with proper management and it will ultimately minimizes the possibility of staff turn-over, changes and replacement.
5. Social protection practices to safeguard the well-being of NEPC
NEPC bylaws clearly described on the benefits to the staff members and the professionals. The medical, accidental and life insurance will be covered as provisioned by the NEPC bylaws. Besides, In NEPC has its own policy and procedure to cover the fringe benefits, staff well-being and the incentive & motivation packages. NEPC as a professional institution on local democracy and the decentralized governance would show the examples of institutional governance and its implications in the project outputs and results.


Nepal Environment Protection Center (NEPC) is a non-governmental, non-profit-making organization registered under the Institution Registration Act- 1978 in July 1993.



NEPC primarily focuses on implementing efficient and effective programs aimed at protecting ecology, environment, and citizen’s rights acknolwdging good governance and making the people self-reliant on basic services.

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Tools to be used to achieve NEPC’s goal include good governance, action research, social mobiolization and extracting opportunities created by infrastructural previlance around

